The Board of Trustees of the Indiana Free Library represents the needs and interests of the community. The full board meets the first Wednesday of the month, with the exception of July. The make-up of the board permits two appointees from both Indiana Borough and White Township, the contributing municipalities within the service area and one appointed by the Indiana Area School District. The remainder of the board consists of At-Large members with an upper limit of 16. The limit of Pennsylvania law is generally 7-9. New At-Large board members are elected by a majority of the full board and interested or potential members should contact the library or ask for an application at the Front Desk.
Meeting Agendas
Indiana Free Library Board of Trustees
Mission: To serve and strengthen our community by supporting literacy and lifelong learning
Vision: IFL - A premier library and cornerstone for community life
Values: Accessibility, respect, service, knowledge, quality, and lifelong learning.
Roll Call 7:00 PM
Minutes of
Public Comments Session
Director’s Report —Lauri Fletcher
President’s Comments / Report – President Cunningham
1. Recommendation of new board members
Standing Committee Reports:
Finance – Larry Feldman, Treasurer
1. Treasure’s Report
Governance – Tamie Blank, Chair
1. Vote on the updated Employee Handbook
2. Approve the addition of an Advisory Committee
Development – Kim Dodds, Chairs
1. Stacks and Monte Carlo Night Sub-Committees
Advocacy / Planning / Program – Bethany Jackson, Chair
Old Business:
New Business:
For the Good of the Order –