Your support helped us thrive in 2024!
Indiana Free Library is a non-profit organization that relies on the generosity of community members to help us bridge the gap in funding we have each year. All of the contributions we receive enable us to continue to provide free, high-quality digital and print materials, programming, and services to the residents of our community. We continue to invest our resources into growing our collections for circulation to meet the ever-growing needs of our community. In addition to growing our collection of physical items in 2024, we hosted several popular programs, including the Barbie Party, monthly Taster’s Club luncheons, Friend-Speed Dating, the Kids Grow Gardening Club, and Primary Health Days with M.J. Perry.
We also provide our community members with resources that impact their basic literacy skills and empower residents to explore social, health, financial, and technological resources for free! Donations and contributions from our community partners make a positive impact right here in Indiana County and support your friends and neighbors. Thank you for joining us in our mission to serve and strengthen our community by supporting literacy and lifelong learning.
Indiana Borough supports the library with a dedicated library tax. All residents may use their library cards and materials free of charge. Many thanks to Indiana Borough for the support and maintenance of the library building.
White Township supervisors offer regular and annual support to keep the library thriving. White Township is the largest local supporter of the library and the majority of cardholders also come from White Township. We share our thanks for their unwavering support.
The Indiana Area School District (IASD) serves a population area of approximately 32,000 people at the county seat of Indiana County. It consists of four elementary schools and serves two secondary schools locally. Any student residing within the school district is entitled to a free library card to use all available resources at our library.
Our Community Partners in 2024
Diamond ($5,000 +)
Our donors at the diamond level provide us with a vibrant shine and the potential to inspire brilliance in our community.
- Businesses & Organizations -
Armstrong Power, LLC
PA Humanities- Community Partners -
Estate of Paula McGuire
The Spadafora Family
Sara Steelman -
Platinum ($1,000 - $4,999)
While our world continues to evolve, our platinum donors provide stability while providing the library with the ability to reshape ourselves without losing our strengths.
- Businesses & Organizations -
Community Foundation for the Alleghenies
Greater Indiana Endowment/James and Mary Jack Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation
Indiana County Endowment
Lorraine Conte Charitable Foundation
New Century Club
Precision Physics Services LLC
Spark Good - Walmart
W.H. and Candice C. Spadafora Fund- Community Partners -
Visvuds and Jenna-Marie Celtnieks
Larry Feldman and Margaret Stempien
Linda Jones and John Somonick
Mark and Janet Lukacs
Leonard Maliver
Gwen Rifici
Joan Schmitt
Ron and Pat Simkins
Richard Stewart -
Gold ($500 - $999)
The pot of gold at the end of our rainbow can only be attained with the help of our gold donors.
- Businesses & Organizations -
InFirst Bank
Luxenberg's Jewelers
The Reschini Group- Community Partners -
Dave and Liz Antolik
Bruce and Carole Bush
David Cicola
Hilliary Creely
Tom and Sara Crumm
Kevin and Kimberly Dodds
Vito and Donna DonGiovanni
William and Linda Double
Michael Driscoll
Melissa Dunlap
Roberta Eddy
Bill and Kate Geiger
Michael Hood
Jim and Stephanie Jozefowicz
Ed and Patsy Kennedy
Ed and Olga Platt
Karen Ready
George and Joan Rittenberger
Richard and Carla Sandbothe
Esther Shane
Joyce Sharman
Ted and Linda Valeski
Ruiess Van Fossen Bravo
Jim and Jackie Wiley
Ann Wilmoth
Jean Wilson
Ray and Mindy Wygonik
Mary Lou Zanich -
Silver ($300 - $499)
Our silver donors ensure that we can continue to provide programming and activities for those who need to find the silver lining in the clouds.
- Businesses & Organizations -
Reeger Farms- Community Partners -
John and Gretchen Barbor
Dora Burkett
Charles and Donna Cashdollar
Julia and John Cuccaro
Carl and Josephine Cunningham
Jack and Susan Delaney
Rees Derwart
Bob and Acey Gongaware
Thomas and Patrice Harley
Eric Heasley
Sherene Hess
Barbara Laughlin
Joan McCreary
Bill and Arlene Miller
Larry and Geri Nath
Melissa Nibert
Michele Norwood
Mark Piwinsky and Dolores Brzycki
Christopher Robertshaw
Bert and Karen Ross
Rod and Ellen Ruddock
Joe and Sandy Sgriccia
Augusta Syty
David and Irene Tabish
John and Bertilla Thompson
Andrew and Susan Welsh
Sandy Whitson -
Bronze ($150 - $299)
Longer lasting than stone, our bronze donors cast our mission to the forefront and help us provide a hub for our community for years to come.
- Businesses & Organizations -
Indiana Kiwanis Club Foundation
Kovalchick Corporation
The Steelman Fund- Community Partners -
Francisco Alarcon and Lydia Rodriguez
William Anderson and Rebecca Snyder
Mimi Benjamin and Mike Howland
Terry and Elaine Blair
Sara Lambert Bloom
Margaret Bomboy
David and Susan Boser
Mary Jo Bowes
Faye Bradwick and Don Lancaster
Marcia Buriok
Christopher Capozzi
Jose and Carmy Carranza
Samuel and Judy Cessna
Ken and Priscilla Coles
Betsy Degory
Rosalind Dibiasi
Jim and Sue Dickson
Bill and Pat Dietrich
Susan Forbes
Anna Frank
Jack and Jeannette Frank
Francis Fruehstorfer
Sandra Gandolfi
Jon and Beverly Gascoine
Marsha Gatti
Steven Gifford
Vince and Krista Grattan
Terry and Donna Griffith
Jim and Diana Heasley
Fred and Pat Heilman
Marilyn Herbruck
Bethany Jackson
Ron and Dianne Johnson
Alex and Rosemary Juhasz
Sara King
Julieann Knox
Ted and Sherry Kuckuck
Joyce Kuzneski
Mary Lewandowski
Glenna Lincoff
Cynthia Long
Jim and Marcy Martin
Paul and Gail McCauley
Timothy Menta
Roberta Morgan
John Mueller
Kevin and Laura Musser
A. Louise Peterman
Pat Prushnok
Carl and Sharon Rahkonen
Bill and Leslie Rettig
Maida Rubin
William and Patti Sands
Frank and Barbara Sebastian
Bob and Gail Sechrist
Bill and Patti Simmons
Pauline Simms
Edward Smith
Carl and Linda Steel
Amy Stormer
Jim and Chrissy Struzzi
David and Mary Taylor
Gordon Thornton
Larry and Jean Turton
Charlie and Gina Venturella
Robert and Cindy Watta
Barbara Welsh
Don and Anne White
Jim Wilson
Mark Zilner -
Crystal ($1 - $149)
Like a geode hidden in the rocks, our crystal donors hold unlimited potential to help the library sparkle in our community.
- Businesses & Organizations -
The Blackbaud Giving Fund YourCause
Bowman Land Surveying
Indiana High School Class of 1959
The Paypal Giving Fund
Rairigh-Bence Funeral Home
S&T Bank Employees, Directors, & Officers
Second Wednesday of the Month Book Group
Women of the Moose, Indiana Chapter 1260- Community Partners -
Lillian Adami
David and Peggy Akers
Daniel Alberts
Joseph Angelo
Jack and Cindy Armstrong
Jim and Judy Ashbaugh
Amanda Augustine
Jeff and Gina Balencic
Tammy Balitski
Chris, Lea, and Nash Baran Cicuto
Eric Barker
Kathy Barton
Steve and Joy Behr
Ken and Ramona Belgie
John and Margaret Bellak
Linda Ben-Zvi
Gene and June Bicego
Dave and Patty Bidwell
Linda Blacksmith
Tamie Blank
Raymond and Jennifer Blystone
James and Bonnie Boatman
Peter Broad
Jeannie Broskey
Andrew and Paula Browe
Jaunita Burdette
Chad and Tracy Buterbaugh
John Butzow
Carol Cacchione
Dorothy Campbell
James Carino
Brian and Christine Carpenter
Ken and Sandy Carr
Marguerite Carty
Richard Cassel
Sung Gay Chow
Chris and Fionna Adams
Chris and Lynn Lloyd
Christopher and Alyssa Carnahan
Sonia Cilo
Jim and Pat Clark
Pamella Clouser
Zach and Courtney Collins
John Como
Donna Cousins
Linda Cunningham
John Cup
William Darr
Dave and Carol Delimpo
Carolyn Davis
Larry and Victoria DeChurch
Linda Deitman
Heather Delaney
Frank and Alisa Destefano
Kari DeStefano
Karl DeStefano
Arthur Dilg
Gary and Joanne Dilts
Greg and Julie Dodds
Michael Dodds
Stephanie Dodds
John and Kim Dolan
Patrick and Amy Dougherty
Denise Dragich
Lenore Dreisbach
Dana Driscoll
Mike and Anita Duffalo
Barbara Edelman
Judith Emigh
Teri Enciso
George and Karen Evans
Judy Fairbanks
Virginia Farabaugh
Beverly Fazio
Janet Ferguson
Lacey Fetcko
Betty Fidler
Susan Flaherty
Paula Fleming
Doug and Lauri Fletcher
Chuck and Diana Flinn
Roberta Foster Danka
Frank Kinter Jr.
David Frick
Paige Gandolfi
Joe and Sue Gatti
Gail Gerlach
Tom Giambrone
Dick and Chris Gigliotti
Jennica Giroux
Tammy Glavach
Bill and Marge Goldstrohm
Doug Gradwell
Karen and Loren Greene
Karen Gresh
Donna/Terry Griffith
Mary Haberl
Carol Hanna
Cindy Hatcher
Lynn Hausner
Dennis and Rita Haynes
Deborah Hazelet
Jamie Heinrich
Philip Carl Henry
Elizabeth Hermann
Judith Holliday
Chris Holuta
Regan & Chuck Houser
Steve Hovan
John and Arla Howlett
Louis and Carolyn Idzojtic
Lloyd and Martha Jack
Maria Jack
Sandra Jaxheimer
Linda Jennings
Jim and Elaine Palmer
Arlene Jones
Elaine Judge
Georgann Kachur
Krys and Ola Kaniasty
Katharine Karyszyn
Donald and Rebecca Kaskan
Lenny and Nancy Kasubick
Pat and Jan Keating
Emma Keele
Joe Kennedy
Darlene Kingery
Frank and Hastie Kinter
Thomas and Cathy Kitchen
Hank Knerr
Damian Kordell
Rich and Patty Korywchak
Jacquelyn Kuehn
Ron and Lucille Kuzemchak
Marianne Kuzneski
Joan Lantz
Erick and Betsy Lauber
Kris Lavan
Bill and Johnna Lear
Sandra Lear
Dale and Marilyn Learn
Leonard and Joan Smith
Bob Lezanic
Dave and Rita Lieb
Dan and Elaine Little
David Loomis and Anne Kondo
William L. Love
Alan and Rhonda Luckey
Chuck and Peach Mack
James and Sandra Manclark
Bob Marcus
Josefina and German Martinez-Eskenasy
Cynthia Nixon Mastro
Vince and Donna Mayausky
Laurie McAfoose
Bill McCafferty
Sally McCombie
William and Debbie McCutcheon
Skip McGreevy
Kevin McKee
Randy McKinney
Janie McKirgan
Ron and Lois McNutt
Denise McQuown-Hatter
Mildred Miller
Tom Miller
John and Phyllis Mishtal
Brenda Mitchell
Brenda M. Mitchell Mitchell
Thomas Murphy
Elaine Myers
Todd and Holly Myers
Drew and Linda Nance
Craig and Dottie Neal
Kathy Nickle
Barbara Nist
Roxanne Ober
Robert and Nancy Oblinsky
Charles and Marie Olson
Tom and Rita Ott
Dorothy Palmer
Donna Palmieri
Jim and Diane Paulina
Andy and Lindsey Penezic
Susan Penezic
Carol Pesci
Angela Pinizzotto
Kathleen Pollock
Lizanne Porter and Brian Okey
Leslie Poston
Susan Rafte
Zack Ramey
Dave and Heather Reed
Sid Reger
Anthony and Connie Reid
Mary Lou Repsher
Jim and Nancy Rihs
Domenic and Mary Roberto
Cindy Rogers
Lucinda Rogers
Elizabeth Rohacheck
Jay Rubin
Sara Rutledge
Bryan Sandmann
Justin Schawl
Curt Scheib
Cathy G. Schloemer
Joseph Schwartz
Michael Schwartz
Barry and Celinda Scott
Don and Dawn Seagren
Mary Ann Seagren
Ron and Noreen See
Frederick Seinfelt
James and Carole Serbin
David C. Serene
Barry Sergent
Diana Sheppard
Scott Shepski
Leigh Shubra
Tom and Anne Simmons
Mark and Christine Slupek
Kay B. Smith
Nancy Smith
Deanne L. Snavely
Anthony and Sara Sottile
Vicki Sperry
Mary Stallings
George and Roseann Staniscia
Mark Staszkiewicz
David and Karen Stein
Vicki Stelma
Victor and Eleanor Stelma
Jean Stelmak
June Stewart
Samantha Stossel
Tom Stossel
Sharon Stratton
James and Marsha Tancraitor
Jim and Poom Taylor
Lynne and Dennis Templeton
Laura Thomas
Quintina Thomas
Myron Tomb
Martha Tomko
Joe and Carolyn Trimarchi
Shari Trinkley
Martha A Troxell
Jim Watta and Dreama Van Cise
Pothen Varughese
Marci Vitale
Joan Waldo
Francine Walker
Wallace and Donna Putt
George and Georgetta Wallace
George and Bernadette Walz
Cheryl Wegener
Susanne Weiland
Jane Weiner
Helen Whitmer
Barri and Tina Wiggins
William and Carol Williams
Jill Wingerton
Susanne Winslow
Scott and Debra Winters
George and Theresa Wise
Rik and Bev Wissinger
Arnold and Rita Wolfe
Arlene Wolk
William Woodcock
Katherine Woods
Ruth B Woolcock
Ellen Yerger
Ladawn Yesho
Keith and Kim Young
Ann Ziner