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At the Library

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary loan services will assist you in locating a book that is not in our collection and retrieving it from any Pennsylvania library. There is no cost for this service, though some fees apply for misuse of the policies. Our policies are listed below.

Interlibrary Loan Policies

Interlibrary loan service is available to any patron in good standing through the library's participation in the ACCESS PA project. If the requested material cannot be found in Pennsylvania, then a national search will be requested through the District Center Library in Johnstown, PA.

A patron requesting material not available at the library must fill out an interlibrary loan request form in person. A patron may not have more than three (3) active interlibrary loan requests and/or loansĀ at one time.

Interlibrary loans will not be accepted for duplicates of titles already owned unless the title is lost or overdue for more than six (6) months. Requests for new fiction material (less than six (6) months) are not honored.

All interlibrary loan material must be returned to the circulation desk, not a book drop. No renewals are permitted.

If a patron fails to pick up a requested material, a $2.00 fee will be charged to that patron.

As with other library materials, the patron is responsible for their timely return in good condition. If an interlibrary loan item is returned late, an overdue fee of thirty-five ($.35) cents per day will be applied and collected.

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