Adventure Begins at your Library Summer Reading Kick-Off
Join us for our fun and educational 2024 Summer Reading Kick-Off, Adventure begins at your Library! We have lots of special plans and programs this year and the Kick-Off lets us tell you about them. Stop out between 1 and 4 PM and we will show you how to register for programs, pick a craft or activity that gives you an idea of what we'll be doing this summer, and grab a snack and a library swag bag filled with goodies and coupons for the summer. And--You can meet and talk with all of our librarians which sometimes, you don't get to do at the library. Registration is required for this event, but is not limited to a certain amount and you can start registering on May 20th on our website, by calling the children's department at the library at 724-465-8841 x 6, or by emailing Val or Barb at Just remember to let us know how many people are in your group and will be attending. Thanks and see you soon for lots of fun!!