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IFL Nature Talks present the Lantern Fly

Monday, October 10, 2022
2:00 pm3:00 pm

Join Master Gardeners Gretchen Barbor and Linda Gibson for an introduction to an unwanted invasive insect – the Spotted Lanternfly (SLF). Learn how to identify this pest, and what you can do as a homeowner to protect your landscape and gardens.
Since its discovery in Berks County in 2014, SLF presents a significant threat to Pennsylvania agriculture including grape, tree-fruit, hardwood, and nursery industries. You will learn how to identify this invasive species and understand its life cycle, current quarantined areas in PA, and actions you can take to stop its spread.

Gretchen Barbor became a Master Gardener after retiring from teaching English / Theatre at the Indiana Senior High School. She has always been passionate about gardening, finding it rewarding and therapeutic. Trading in books for plants she learned how to better provide a pollinator friendly garden through the Master Gardening program.
Linda Gibson has lived in Indiana County since 1980, and has been a Master Gardener since 2017. Having worked at The Radio Stations for 11 years and in various marketing roles for local businesses, she enjoys advocating for Master Gardener certification and promoting MG events the most. Since she has become a Master Gardener, she has learned that apparently her property is mostly non-natives, so she has a lot of work to do.

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