IFL American History Book Club: The Twenties: Fords, Flappers & Fanatics by George E. Mowry

The IFL American History Book Club meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month to discuss their latest reading in American History. Hard copies of the title for checkout can be found on the Book Club Shelf on the first floor of the library.
This month we are reading: The Twenties: Fords, Flappers & Fanatics by George E. Mowry (186 pp)
From the colorful battles of Prohibition to Lindbergh’s epic transatlantic flight, from the race riots in Chicago to the speculative frenzy of the Florida land boom, THE TWENTIES recounts the vigorous, carefree, intolerant temper of our nation in the era of the New Economic Prosperity. This panorama of contemporary magazine articles, newspaper stories, and personal accounts contradicts the charge of political historians and critics that the Twenties was a decade of sterility. Juxtaposing gaiety and incontinence with the bitter struggle between the old and the new social elements, THE TWENTIES is a testament to the amazing vitality of social invention and change which characterized the formative years of modern American society.